Computer Expert Witness
Graham Dilloway CITP MBCS
Computer Expert Witness

Chartered IT Professional and Member of British Computer Society

Listed in Register of Expert Witnesses

Member of the Academy of Experts

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IT and Computer Expert Witness Reports in Civil Cases.

My work has included cases involving failure of computer components, inability of a computer to operate with an added hardware card, problems accessing the Internet and a faulty laptop computer.  Reports have been prepared for cases in County Court and Small Claims Court.

Laptop Faults after Repair.  The claimant had his laptop computer repaired and the repairs created additional faults.  I examined the computer and reported the faults found.  More ...

Hard Drive Failure.  The claimant bought a laptop computer and the hard disk failed after 26 months.  My report discusses replacement of hard disks in laptop computers.  More ...

Computer Test and File Recovery.  The claimant bought a laptop computer and subsequently claimed that the computer was faulty.  I report on my inspection of the laptop computer.  More ...

Internet Connection Problems.  The claimant bought a computer and subsequently claimed that the computer would not connect to the Internet properly.  My report discusses Internet connection problems, their causes and effects.  More ...

Test and Compare Computers.  The claimant bought a computer for use with an add-in card and claimed that the computer would not work with the add-in card.  I tested the computer (and its three replacements) and reported on the result of the tests.  More ...

Employment - I have worked in Employment cases.  The reports produced in these cases are not reproduced here because of the complexity and the circumstances of the cases and are summarised as follows:

Technology - A serving police officer was the subject of disciplinary proceedings after several officers received racist documents via the police force internal mail service.  I assisted in the preparation of reports that discussed the large amount of technically sophisticated computer evidence gathered and reported upon by prosecution computer specialists.  Reports for an internal inquiry and a subsequent Employment Tribunal hearing included analysis of software generated log files and attempts to recreate computer files that matched printed documents.

Disability Discrimination - I prepared a report to show that the implementation of voice recognition software would have been a reasonable step to assist a disabled person using a computer.  I gave evidence at the hearing for two days including most of the second day under cross examination.  An added challenge was a tribunal chairman with a good working knowledge of computers who insisted upon an exceptionally detailed explanation of almost everything.