Computer Expert Witness
Graham Dilloway CITP MBCS
Computer Expert Witness

Chartered IT Professional and Member of British Computer Society

Listed in Register of Expert Witnesses

Member of the Academy of Experts

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Computer and IT Expert Witness Reports in Criminal Cases

My work has included cases involving indecent images of children, fraud, terrorism, counterfeiting credit cards, "chipping" cable TV decoders and counterfeiting music CDs.

Terrorism.  I prepared informal letters and a formal report regarding terrorism charges putting alleged terrorism related files in context as a small number of total files on computer.  Defendant was found not guilty.Evidence of unwise acts not terrorism ...

Drug Importation Conspiracy.  I examined a computer containing documents related to drug importation.  My report showed that several people had access to the computer.  The charges were dropped.Evidence of multiple computer users ...

Intent and File Deletion. Indecent images were found on computer equipment. My report discusses the lack of any evidence of intent and the prompt deletion of illegal material. Defendant received a conditional discharge.Lacking evidence of intent ...

Inaccurate Indictment.  Indecent images of children were found on a computer.  I prepared letters and reports describing the inconsistencies between the evidence and the Indictment. Evidence does not support Indictment ...

Computer Misuse.  A bank employee was accused of unauthorised access to data on bank computers.  I prepared letters and a report discussing the timeline and evidence from audit trails and transaction logs. Evidence & timeline of computer misuse ...

Cached and Deleted Files.  The police found indecent images of children on a computer.  My expert witness report highlights the absence of any evidence of intent regarding the acquisition of the images.  Images possibly acquired by accident ...

Photo Sharing Software.  I investigated photo sharing software and the possibility of user name duplication and the use of Internet addresses.  Technical detail of photo sharing software...

Lacking evidence of intent.  Indecent images of children were found in the Internet cache.  No evidence of intent to view the pictures was found on the computer.  More ...

Deleted Files on Diskette.  Indecent images were found on a CD and on diskettes.  My report discusses the absence of a device to write to a CD and evidence to show that the diskettes were "second hand".More ...

Atkins Judgement. Indecent images were found in the "Temporary Internet Files" (the cache).  My report was written with an Appeal Court judgement in mind (Atkins vs. DPP, 2000).More ...

Copying and Viewing Indecent Images.  Indecent images were found on the hard disk and on a Zip disk.  My report discusses whether the images could have been innocently copied without the images being viewed.More ...

Internet Access, Hacking and Evidence Contamination.  Indecent images in a case of indecent assault.  Images were found on the disk of a computer belonging to a Defendant charged with indecent assault.  I prepared documents regarding dates of Internet access, "hacking" into the computer by someone on the Internet and contamination of the computer after it was seized.Evidence of indecent images ...

Credit card counterfeiting.  Equipment for making credit cards and supporting documents (on paper and on computer disk) and a lot of cash and jewellery were seized by the police. More ...

Illegal modification of Cable TV decoders.  A computer containing a lot of allegedly incriminating material was seized by the police.  My report suggests that much of the material was not very incriminating or was completely innocuous. Evidence of cable TV box modification ...

Illegal copying of music CDs.  The police seized a computer allegedly used for bulk copying of CDs.  My report discusses the speed of operation of the computer and CD writer. Disk copying equipment ...

Lacking evidence of intent.  Two pictures and two movies were found in a search of computer equipment.  No evidence was found to show that these were deliberately and knowingly obtained.  More ...

File Dates.  It was alleged that a spreadsheet file showed that cannabis cultivation had been happening for several years.  My report showed that the creation date for a file could not be relied on as evidence that the file had been created on that date.  File date report ...

Fabricating documents.  Vehicle registration documents were found on a computer and it was suggested that these were forgeries.  Forged document evidence ...

Proceeds of crime.  A guilty plea in a case of selling satellite TV boxes modified for illegal card sharing was followed by attempt to seize the profits from the illegal business.  I examined evidence to try and find evidence of legitimate activity.  Proceeds of crime evidence ...

This is a small proportion of the expert witness reports and correspondence that I have prepared.