Computer Expert Witness
Graham Dilloway CITP MBCS
Computer Expert Witness

Chartered IT Professional and Member of British Computer Society

Listed in Register of Expert Witnesses

Member of the Academy of Experts

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Essays on the Use of Evidence from Computers

Indecent Image Offences.  The examination of a computer might find indecent images.  This essay discusses the evidence that might and might not assist a prosecution.  Indecent image offences defined ...

Computer Evidence as Alibi.  I have given advice and prepared expert witness reports in cases where evidence from computers cast doubt on the prosecution case or had proved innocence.  This essay describes evidence that might be found on a computer and gives examples of the use of computer evidence by the defence. Alibi evidence ...

Evidence of Indecent Images.  The Appeal Court Judgements affecting the law regarding indecent images of children include Bowden, Atkins, Smith and Jayson, Porter and Harrison.  This essay discusses these judgements and the affect that they have on evidence.  Indecent image court judgements ...

Extreme and Prohibited Images.  Possession of drawings and cartoons and of some images of sexual violence are an offence.  Is it a crime to display a web page containing these pictures if the pictures are not saved onto the computer?  Prohibited and extreme image evidence ...

Police Interviews.  I have read the transcripts of hundreds of police interviews involving evidence from computers.  These interviews often include misleading assertions by the interviewing officers and misleading admissions by the suspect.  There are steps that can be taken to minimise the risk of misunderstandings during interviews More ...

Computer Misuse.  Unauthorised access to a computer system is an offence under the Computer Misuse Act.  I have examined evidence of computer misuse and researched the law in this area.  Evidence of computer misuse ...

Informal Evidence Review.  I have been contacted informally by people wishing to discuss evidence before Trial and by others wishing to discuss possible Appeals.  Informal evidence reviews ...

It has been my experience that the full effect of evidence recovered from computers is often not fully understood.  The early involvement of a computer expert witness can help to minimise the risk of misunderstandings.